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Planning Board Minutes 03/01/2018
  Chichester Planning Board
Minutes of Meeting
Thursday March 1, 2018

Members Present: Chairman Stan Brehm, Michael Williams, Richard Moore, Jeff Jordan, Tom Houle, Ann Davis, Richard Bouchard and Kristy Barnouski Secretary.

Others present: Chief Quimby, Deputy Chief Cole, Doug Valley, Kathryn Valley, Rivkah Valley, James Valley, Gail Towle, James Towle, Robert Madison, Chet and Mary Christine McPhail, Linda Rauter, Chris Barnouski, Steve MacCleery, Kate Raferty Hall and other members of the public.

Mr. Brehm called the meeting to order at 6:30pm.

Continued Public Hearing
Site Plan Review-Cruiserparts, LLC.  
Mr. Valley did a review of his project for the Board.
The Board went through the checklist of the items they asked of Mr. Valley in the February meeting including:
  • Elevations that are now shown on note 16 and 17.  
  • The height of the building, which is now under 35ft.
  • An artesian well and one monitoring well will be used on property once a year for water testing.
  • Mr. Valley stated that they are still waiting for water calculations to come in for wetlands stamp.
  • The Board also requested that a note be added to the plan for a 20 car max in car lot.  
Chief Quimby and Deputy Chief Cole stated to Mr. Valley that he would need a 30,000 gallon fire suppression pond on the property per the NH State Fire Code.  Mr. Valley was not sure that this was an actual requirement but a recommendation from the State.  After some discussion, the Board decided to table this matter until the April 5th Planning Board meeting to do some more research on the fire pond standards.  

Mr. Valley stated that he would be starting to clear cut the property in preparation for building.

Mr. Brehm made a motion and Mr. Williams seconded to continue the public hearing until April 5, 2018. Motion passes.

Informational Session on Warrant Articles-

Building Code-
Mr. Cole stated that the purpose of amending the building code is to clean up the language.  The 2009 code has been being enforced and some housekeeping needed to be done to add the 2009 version.  
There were no audience questions on this matter.
Flag lighting-
Mr. Brehm stated that this change was recommended and guided by the Town Attorney for its constitutionality issues.  The proposed warrant would correct this issue.  

Mrs. Raffterty Hall did have some concerns with this which is why she did a citizens petition of her own for this matter which would remove the exception all together.

Mr. Brehm and Mrs. Barnouski both stated that it was the Town Attorneys opinion that the Planning Boards proposed warrant article was better suited for the Town.  It was asked what would happen if both warrant articles passed to which Mrs. Barnouski stated that she had spoken to the attorney briefly the possibility and the Town would cross that bridge when we got there.  

Sign Ordinance-
Mr. Brehm stated that we had many business owners request an electronic message board to better promote their business which the Planning Board has had to deny as well as the Zoning Board.  The Board did a lot of research and used the zoning ordinance recently passed in Laconia, NH that offers use of the electronic message boards but ensures safety and preserves sky glow without light trespass.

Master Plan-
The Board will meet again on March 21, 2018 for a Master Plan workshop at 6:30 at the Fire Department.  

Adjournment- Having no further business, a motion was made by Mr. Williams made a motion and seconded by Mr. Jordan to adjourn the meeting at 8:35pm

Respectfully submitted,

Kristy Barnouski, Secretary
Not approved until signed.

Chairman, Stan Brehm